Installation instructions

BioSimulators-OpenCOR is available as a command-line program and as a command-line program encapsulated into a Docker image.

Python Package and command-line program

  1. Install the requirements for OpenCOR:

    apt-get install -y \
        curl \
        libpulse-mainloop-glib0 \
        libx11-6 \
        libxext6 \
        libxslt1.1 \
  2. Install OpenCOR:

    curl $url | tar -xz --directory=/opt/
  3. Add OpenCOR to your system path:

    export PATH=/opt/OpenCOR-2021-05-19-Linux:$PATH
  4. Install pip for this version of Python:

    curl | OpenCOR -c PythonShell
  5. Use pip to install this package:

    /opt/OpenCOR-2021-05-19-Linux/python/bin/python -m pip install biosimulators-opencor

Docker image with a command-line entrypoint

After installing Docker, run the following command to install the Docker image for BioSimulators-OpenCOR:

docker pull